not too much to report on today. honey is out passing out fliers about the theft of her father's car. i fear its too late; thugs run this county. however i admire her tenacity, her dedication, and her loyalty to her daddy's prized possession.earlier we took all three furbabies to the vet for an over due nail trimming. leave it to the littlest one to cause the most trouble. it was so cute when the minute vet tech had trouble holding our little chubster weiner dog, jackson, up in her arms. you see, a week at grandma's never fails to fatten him up,... never. and the crazy thing about it, is he's not really fat. the dog is all freakin muscle. but my word!! one would like to doubt his lineage of belonging to the minature group of dachshunds!!
we don't have much going on this weekend, as it is our last before school begins. i'd wanted to go swimming maybe tomorrow, but i guess we will see.
hope yall all have a fantastical weekend!!
Friday, August 14, 2009
hum drum, evryday life.
Posted by State of Grace at 6:15 PM
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